- /* snmath.h by K.Tsuru */
- /*********************
- SN library
- Mathematical functions since version 2.21
- Separate from "snfunc.h" for convenience.
- **********************/
- #ifndef SN_MATH_H
- #define SN_MATH_H
- #ifndef SN_FUNCTIONS_H
- #include "snfunc.h"
- #endif // SN_FUNCTIONS_H
- /////////////////// common class /////////////////
- // x to n-th power i.e. return x^n since version 2.30
- // unsigned long version
- template <class T> T PowUL(const T& x, ulong n) {
- if(!n) return T(1.0);
- T y(1), z(x);
- while(1){
- if( n & 1 ) y *= z;
- n /= 2;
- if( !n ) break;
- z *= z;
- }
- return y;
- }
- // long version
- template <class T> T PowL(const T& x, const long n) {
- if(!n) return T(1.0);
- T y(1), z(x);
- long m = labs(n);
- while(1){
- if( m & 1 ) y *= z;
- m /= 2;
- if( !m ) break;
- z *= z;
- }
- if(n > 0) return y;
- return 1/y;
- }
- /********************************************
- Tailor series expansion for sine and cosine since ver. 2.31
- Type : double, long double or SDouble can be used.
- for SDouble "eps" should be cast "SDouble(1.0e-240)"
- but do not recomend.
- Please use Sin(x) or Cos(x).
- *********************************************/
- template <class Type>Type sinTaylorSeries(const Type& x, const Type& eps){
- int k = 2;
- Type sum = x, xsq = x*x, term = x;
- do {
- term *= (-1)*xsq/((k+1)*k);
- sum += term;
- k += 2;
- } while (abs(term) > eps);
- return sum;
- }
- template <class Type>Type cosTaylorSeries(const Type& x, const Type& eps){
- int k = 1;
- Type sum = 1.0, xsq= x*x, term = 1.0;
- do {
- term *= (-1)*xsq/((k+1)*k);
- sum += term;
- k += 2;
- } while (abs(term) > eps);
- return sum;
- }
- ////////////// SLong class /////////////////
- // greatest common divisor
- SLong gcdL(const SLong& a, const SLong& b); // 2000
- inline SLong gcd(const SLong& a, const SLong& b) { return gcdL(a, b); }
- // least common multiple
- SLong lcmL(const SLong& a, const SLong& b); // 2008 since ver 2.8
- inline SLong lcm(const SLong& a, const SLong& b){ return lcmL(a, b); }
- SLong Lpow(const SLong& x, ulong n); // n-th power of x(x^n) 2002
- //10^n
- SLong Lpow10(long n); // "friend" is deleted since version 2.192
- /**********************************************
- It returns a SLong random number in radix.
- When size = 0 it is taken as minArraySize.
- If 'size' has a value is greater than the maximum
- size it is adjusted to the maximum one.
- ***********************************************/
- SLong LRand(uint size, fType radix = DRADIX); // 2003
- // square root of SLong integer N, q = [sqrt(N)]
- // sgn has sign of N - q*q, then sgn >= 0
- // If N is a square of an integer, sgn = 0.
- SLong LSqrt(const SLong& N, int* sgn = NULL); // 2004
- // return M^d mod n
- SLong MpowMod(const SLong& M, ulong d, const SLong& n);// 2005
- inline SLong Pow2(ulong p){ return Lpow(2, p); } // inline function since ver. 2.3
- // If m and n have a common divisor in type 2^b*R^r, they are divided by it.
- void ReduceByPow2Rdx(SLong& m, SLong& n, SLong* divisor = NULL);// 2007
- inline SLong Fact(ulong n) { return FactPF(n); } // factorial n! since version 2.21
- const ulong nMax_combL = 2000UL; // maximum value of n
- SLong combL(ulong n, ulong k); // combination number(binomial) nCk using SInteger arithmertic that is fast for small n, k 4100
- ulong combUL(ulong n, ulong k); // ulong version(an assistant function) n < 30 (32 bits)
- SLong comb(ulong n, ulong k); // combination number(binomial) nCk 4102
- inline SLong binomial(ulong n, ulong k) { return comb(n,k); }// same as above
- inline SLong perm(const ulong n, const ulong r) { return permL(n, r); } // permutation number nPr "PrimeFactor" method
- SLong EulerNum(uint n); // n-th Euler number 4101
- SLong TanCoeff(uint n); // n-th tangent coefficient 4104
- void TanCoeffFree();
- void TanCoeffTable(SNBlock <SLong>& T, uint N); //table of tangent coefficient 4105
- /////////////////// SFraction class /////////////////
- SFraction BernNum(uint n); // Bernouilli's number 7100
- void BernNumTable(SNBlock <SFraction>& Bn, uint N); // table of Bernouilli's number 7101
- // Digit figures of factorial n! by Stirling's formula
- unsigned long Stirling(unsigned long n); // ver. 2.17.1 change into "unsigned long" from "long".
- /////////////////// SDouble class /////////////
- // Convert SDouble to an approximate in double.
- // If set err = 0, return DBL_MAX for overflow or zero for underflow error in double.
- // Error ID(OVERFLOW_ERR or UNDERFLOW_ERR) can be obtained by SNManeger::SNError().
- double doubleD(const SDouble& sd, int err = 1);// convert to double 3001
- ldouble ldpow10(const int n); // since version 2.31
- ldouble doubleLD(const SDouble& sd, int err = 1); // convert to long double since 2.31
- SDouble Dpow(const SDouble& x, long n); //n-th power of x(x^n) 3002
- inline SDouble Dpown(const SDouble& x, long n) { return Dpow(x, n); } // since ver. 2.30
- SDouble DpowD(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& p); // x^p = exp(p*log(x)) for x > 0 3003
- inline SDouble Dpow10(long n) {
- SDouble u(1.0); return u.MultPow10(n);
- }
- // inline SDouble Dpow10(const SDouble& p); // 10^p since ver 2.30 see below for the definition
- /************************************************
- It returns a random number with radix=rdx and exponent=exp.
- Default value exp = 0, radix = DRADIX.
- If size = 0 or size is greater than maxmum size it is
- adujusted to the maximum size.
- *************************************************/
- SDouble DRand(uint size = 0, int exp = 0, fType rdx = DRADIX);// 3005 The order of argument is changed since ver. 2.30
- inline SDouble Drand(uint size = 0, int exp = 0, fType rdx = DRADIX) { // small capital version
- return DRand(size, exp, rdx);
- }
- /*-----------------
- divide x into integer and decimal part
- SDouble version of modf()
- x = ipart + dpart
- For example
- x = -1.5
- ipart = -1.0
- It returns -1.5 - (-1) = -0.5.
- --------------------*/
- SDouble Modf(const SDouble& x, SDouble& ipart); // 3008
- // SDouble version of fmod()
- SDouble Fmod(const SDouble& x, const SDouble& y, SDouble& ipart); // 3009
- // convert SDouble x to E form i.e. mant*10^exp
- // It returns mantissa.
- SDouble SDtoE_Form(const SDouble& x, long* exp);
- // square root
- SDouble RecSqrt(const SDouble& x); // 1/sqrt(x) 3006
- SDouble Sqrt(const SDouble& x); // sqrt(x) 3007
- // cubic root
- SDouble Cbrt(const SDouble& x); // x^(1/3) 3010
- // reciporocal cubic root
- SDouble RecCbrt(const SDouble& x); // x^(-1/3) 3011
- // quartic root
- SDouble Qrrt(const SDouble& a); // x^(1/4) 3012
- // reciporocal quartic root
- SDouble RecQrrt(const SDouble& a); // x^(-1/4) 3013
- // exponential and hyperbolic functions
- SDouble Expower(long n); // n-th power of e 3302
- /**************************************************************************
- trigonometric functions calculated by DRAIDX
- **************************************************************************/
- SDouble Acos(const SDouble& x); // 3101
- SDouble Asin(const SDouble& x); // 3102
- const uint thFigAtan = 400u; // threshold value
- inline SDouble Atan(const SDouble& x) { return (x.EffFig() > thFigAtan) ? AtanA(x) : AtanT(x); } // since version 2.30
- inline SDouble Cos(const SDouble& x) { return CosBS(x); } // since version 2.31
- inline SDouble Sin(const SDouble& x) { return SinBS(x); }// since version 2.31
- inline SDouble Tan(const SDouble& x) { return TanBS(x); }// since version 2.30
- // SDouble version of C's "double atan2(double y, double x)" arctan(y/x) 3110
- SDouble Atan2(const SDouble& y, const SDouble& x);
- /**************************************************************************
- It provides the exponential function exp(x).
- From the condition "exp(x) < DRADIX^DRADIX_EXP_MAX" the range of 'x' must be
- within
- |x| < DFIGURES*log(10)*DRADIX_EXP_MAX = 301759.17...
- to inline since version 2.21-2.30
- ***************************************************************************/
- const uint thFigExpx = 510u; // threshold value
- inline SDouble Exp(const SDouble& x) { // since ver 2.30
- return (x.EffFig() > thFigExpx ) ? ExpBS(x) : ExpDS(x);
- }
- inline SDouble Cosh(const SDouble& x) {
- return CoshBS(x);
- }
- inline SDouble Sinh(const SDouble& x) {
- return SinhBS(x);
- }
- inline SDouble Tanh(const SDouble& x){
- return TanhBS(x);
- }
- // inverse hyperbolic functions
- SDouble Acosh(const SDouble& x); // 3309
- SDouble Asinh(const SDouble& x); // 3310
- SDouble Atanh(const SDouble& x); // 3311
- // logalithm functions
- inline SDouble Log(const SDouble& x) { // log(x) since ver 2.30
- return LogE(x);
- }
- inline SDouble Log10(const SDouble& x){ return Log(x)*RecLog10(); } // log_10(x)
- // y = a^x, log y = x
- inline SDouble Pow(const SDouble &a, const SDouble &x) { return DpowD(a, x); }
- /***********************************************************************
- Prototype declaration of constant functions has a formula
- SDouble func(const SDouble* userV = NULL,SDouble (*pfCalcFunc)() = fname);
- userV : a value given by user
- pfCalcFunc : default function, NULL is ok. A funcion which is faster than that
- of SN library can be used.
- See also "SetConstByFile()" in below.
- ************************************************************************/
- SDouble E(const SDouble* e = NULL,
- SDouble (*pfCalcFunc)() = SNE); // base of natural logarithm 3521
- void EFree(); //free the momory of exp1
- uint ESize();
- SDouble Log10(const SDouble* ln10 = NULL,
- SDouble (*pfCalcFunc)() = SNLog10); // log(10.0) 3522
- uint Log10Size();
- void Log10Free();
- SDouble Pi(const SDouble* pi = NULL,
- SDouble (*pfCalcFunc)() = SNPi); // pi 3523
- uint PiSize();
- SDouble M2Pi(); // 2/pi 3506
- void M2PiFree(); //free memory of m2pi
- /** 1/e If "invE=true", it returns "1/E()" else evaluates by
- the series(BS method for test "RecE()*E()=1 ?"). 3507 **/
- SDouble RecE(bool invE=true);
- void RecEFree(); //free the memory of recE
- SDouble MPi2(); // pi/2 3511
- void MPi2Free(); //free the memory of mpi2
- SDouble MPi4(); // pi/4 3550
- void MPi4Free(); //free the memory of mpi4
- SDouble RecLog10(); // 1/log(10.0) 3551
- void recln10Free(); //free the memory of recln10
- inline SDouble Dpow10(const SDouble& p) { // 10^p since ver 2.30 It needs the definition "Log10()".
- return Exp(p * Log10()); // There is not "double pow10(double x);" in new gcc.
- }
- /////////////////// SComplex class /////////////////
- #ifndef SCOMPLEX_H
- #include "scomplex.h"
- #endif // SCOMPLEX_H
- inline SComplex Conj(const SComplex& z) {
- return SComplex(z.Real(), -z.Imag());
- } // to inline since version 2.21
- // |z| most simple. If you need more accurate value, please improve your precision or use CabsH(z) below.
- inline SDouble Cabs(const SComplex& z) { return Sqrt(z.Norm()); }
- SDouble CabsH(const SComplex& z); // |z| high precision version
- inline SDouble Arg(const SComplex& z) { return Atan2(z.Imag(), z.Real()); } // argument in xy plane
- inline SDouble Real(const SComplex& z){ return z.Real();} // real part
- inline SDouble Imag(const SComplex& z){ return z.Imag();} // imaginary part
- inline SDouble Re(const SComplex& z) { return z.Real();} // Re(z) real part
- inline SDouble Im(const SComplex& z) { return z.Imag();} // Im(z) imaginary part
- inline SDouble Norm(const SComplex& z){ return z.Norm(); } // square of the magnitude
- inline SComplex MultI(const SComplex& z) { return SComplex(-Im(z), Re(z)); } // i*z
- inline SComplex MultMI(const SComplex& z) { return SComplex( Im(z), -Re(z) ); } // -i*z = z/i
- // Convert SComplex to an approximate in complex <double>.
- inline complex <double> complexD(const SComplex &z) {
- return complex <double> (doubleD(z.Real()), doubleD(z.Imag()));
- }
- /*********************************
- SComplex mathematical functions
- Acooding to GCC's "complex.h" the initial letter
- of funtion name is 'C';
- **********************************/
- SComplex Csqrt(const SComplex& z); // sqrt(z) 9101
- inline SComplex Cpolar(const SDouble& r, const SDouble& angle) {// r*{cos(angle)+i*sin(angle)}
- // return SComplex( r*Cos(angle), r*Sin(angle) );
- return CpolarBS(r, angle);
- }
- SComplex Cpow(const SComplex& z, int n); // z^n 9103
- SComplex Cpow(const SComplex& x, const SDouble& y);// x^y 9104
- inline SComplex Cpow(const SComplex& x, double y) {
- return Cpow(x, (SDouble)y);
- }
- SComplex Cpow(const SDouble& x, const SComplex& y);// x^y 9105
- inline SComplex Cpow(double x, const SComplex& y) {
- return Cpow( (SDouble)x, y);
- }
- SComplex Cpow(const SComplex& x, const SComplex& y);// x^y 9106
- SComplex Cexp(const SComplex& z); // exp z 9107
- SComplex Clog(const SComplex& z); // log z 9108
- SComplex Ccosh(const SComplex& z); // cosh z 9109
- SComplex Csinh(const SComplex& z); // sinh z 9110
- SComplex Ctanh(const SComplex& z); // tanh z 9111
- SComplex Ccos(const SComplex& z); // cos z 9112
- SComplex Csin(const SComplex& z); // sin z 9113
- SComplex Ctan(const SComplex& z); // tan z 9114
- //The following are added since ver. 2.18.
- SComplex Cacos(const SComplex& z); // arccos z 9115
- SComplex Casin(const SComplex& z); // arcsin z 9116
- SComplex Catan(const SComplex& z); // arctan z 9117
- SComplex Cacosh(const SComplex& z); // arcosh z 9118
- SComplex Casinh(const SComplex& z); // arsinh z 9119
- SComplex Catanh(const SComplex& z); // artanh z 9120
- #endif // SN_MATH_H
snmath.h : last modifiled at 2017/10/13 11:31:50(13,526 bytes)
created at 2016/04/11 11:18:58
The creation time of this html file is 2017/10/13 11:35:20 (Fri Oct 13 11:35:20 2017).